Lacie Blue Eye Pro 4.2

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  1. Lacie Blue Eye Pro 4.2 Download
  2. Oregon, Western United States
  3. Lacie Blue Eye Pro 4.2 Free

I introductionThe purpose of writing this series of evaluation is actually to compare these professional displays with the main performance-to-price ratio in the market horizontally to see where the gap between them and the First Army is, what level the specific technology has reached, and who among them is more in line with the users’ expectations. The so-called second army of professional monitors is some brands that have launched professional monitors under the two ten thousand-year leaders of EIZO and NEC. There are advantages and disadvantages among them in terms of quality even though the price difference is not big.II. Analysis of NEC Ea245 WMI and NEC Mid-range Product LinesEA245WMI to be evaluated today is a 24.1 inch 16: 10 LCD with a resolution of 1920 1200.

Specific product descriptions and parameters can be found on the official website:.Judging from the product parameters, EA245WMi is not particularly outstanding, and the data is not much different from DELL’s U2415H. However, the price is much higher than that of DELL products. This is not a good choice for many parameter party users.I have to say NEC’s marketing department here. As a product that has been on the market for more than a year, EA245WMi has few domestic evaluation articles. It is easy to find one on hummingbirds, but it fails to grasp the core capability of EA245WMIi as a professional display.

You know, for EA245WMi, the biggest core competitiveness is that NEC has transferred the SpectraView hardware color correction engine and screen equalization compensation originally belonging to the First Army Corps to some mid-range commercial displays. However, the current domestic evaluation is already limited, which is embarrassing.When the EIZO and NEC of the First Army, which used to be high above the market, faced the behavior of the Second Army brand in exploiting the market with cost performance, NEC chose to fight back by simply shrinking the SpectraView engine and transferring it to NEC’s mid-range commercial models (note: not all NEC mid-range display commercial models have this engine, so users should carefully browse the official website for confirmation before purchasing). Therefore, NEC’s mid-range commercial displays have become professional displays that can try their hand in professional fields after owning this engine.EA245WMi used in this article came from my own pocket and was purchased from the market through the retail version of the new machine.

Non-manufacturers send test products, non-test machine display machines, non-second cell phones and non-mouse products. The purpose of testing EA245WMi in this article is, first, to introduce this lost product line that NEC left in the market and could shine. Second, to better let many users know where the specialty of professional products is, where the promotion is, and whether it is suitable for them. Do not be blind and only look at the parameters. Third, it is to compare other Second Army products that have been evaluated to see what kind of performance status NEC can have in Second Army products after actively castrating the strength of First Army. Three, unpackingThe traditional corrugated cardboard box took a lot of trouble to get into my hands.Different from other models, EA series display packaging is very distinctive, using the design of foam sandwich box, so the screen body is completely wrapped in foam, which is safer for transportation.Open the protective foam cover and the screen theme appears in front of your eyes.The base seems to have rusted.List of all accessories: DP cable, USB cable, power cable, base, instructions, etc.This base sells well. PVC base does not look dirty and shiny like metal base.The overall framework of the screen is erected.

The product itself has three narrow borders.Because of locating business machines, the interfaces are very rich-even D-SUB VGA. Note that one of the DP ports is a DP OUT daisy chain. According to NEC’s official statement, this daisy chain can be used. A video card drags 24 NEC’s next monitors, so it is very suitable for multiple screens.USB port and audio port are opened on the side of the display.There is no large gap and the overall working condition is good.Four, daily use experience evaluationEA245WMi has a very strong first subjective impression after unpacking. The edge of the image is sharp, and the color is hard, with distinct layers and texture.

It is extremely pleasing to the eyes. Black opens a separate black depth adjustment option. Users who need darker black can manually select the black level of black depth (default is 50%), which can further improve the contrast.In a pure black environment, it can be seen from the screen shot that there is some light leakage in the lower right corner of the screen, which is generally acceptable.

Lacie Blue Eye Pro 4.2 Download

The black performance is generally medium to high.In pure white environment, after the equalization control option is turned on, it can be seen from screen shots that there are basically no obvious negative phenomena such as yin-yang face and uneven color temperature. White is well received.In terms of menu design and ergonomic design, we have to say that EA245WMi has very rich menu design, even too rich-NEC integrates extremely rich functions for this series of displays and also opens up a lot of hidden parameters. For example, the user can customize the resolution of the screen in the display menu, so that when connecting non-PC signal sources, it also has considerable controllability.

Oregon, Western United States

For example, when users use NEC’s daisy chain DP OUT, they can even drag 24 monitors from one host to form a LCD wall for splicing. For example, the original six color modes of the display, each mode has six color preset modules, and users can obtain up to 36 different color modes in the menu. Wait, wait, wait.2018-4-25 18:11 Five, color data analysisEA245WMi factory has six color modes, namely standard, text, movie, game, photo and dynamic. First, return the monitor to the factory mode, turn off the automatic photosensitive and human body sensors, and test each mode with i1 Pro and Lacie Blue Eye Pro. The results are as follows. 6430KBasically, from the perspective of professional monitors, this factory color is not very satisfactory.

NEC’s positioning for EA series products is a commercial machine, and its thoughts and direction may be used to please the eyes. It is no wonder that there is a subjective judgment of liking NEC colors.Except for the movie mode, all other modes have higher GAMMA, so the color looks better in texture and has the taste of CRT of that year. The movie mode is the only mode with the average chromatic aberration less than 3 in the factory colors. GAMMA is only 1.9, probably considering the need to emphasize dark details when watching movies. Under this parameter, more dark details can be seen.Next, we cut the monitor back to the movie mode where the factory color is relatively usable.

Using spectrometer to make a matrix file of EA245WMi for color separation meter i1 Display Pro to correct. Then, the official ICC file is loaded, 490 color blocks are measured by DisplayCal to carry out depth inspection, and at the same time, under the same conditions, the mode with the best performance among other display factory colors is compared.In terms of factory color, although NEC’s commercial model is pleasing to the eye, its color standard is relatively lower than that of similar models of the Second Army DELL and Youpai, and even there is a certain gap compared with DELL’s home models.Next, look at the contrast performance of the factory’s best color standard mode. Although contrast is not a particularly important value for publishing, printing and graphic design, the higher the contrast, the better the relative picture quality is for daily applications, especially for audio and video entertainment. The data were also obtained by DisplayCal analysis.It can be seen that the contrast of UP2716D is the highest without turning on the equalization chip (turning on will lose contrast). EA245WMi is slightly better than VP2771.

However, the overall difference is not big.Spider 5 is used to detect the color gamut of the display. 99% Srgb coverage and 80% AdobeRGB coverage are acceptable indicators.Using the color separator matrix obtained after spectrometer correction, I used I1 Display Pro and Spyder 5 Elite to carry out software color calibration on EA245WMi through DisplayCAL respectively. Under the same conditions, the software color calibration results of other displays were compared, and the results are as follows:The result of color correction is acceptable, and the effect of i1 is better than that of spiders. Unfortunately, in terms of ugra certification, software color correction failed to pass ugra certification. Therefore, it is not particularly reliable to use software color correction for soft proofing.From the point of view of software color calibration, EA245WMi has no advantage over similar products. Therefore, when the factory color is pleasing to the eye and the software color calibration is relatively weak, it is a natural choice to use NEC’s SpectraView hardware color calibration engine.VI.

SPECTRAVIEW Hardware Color Calibration System and Equalization Control System (EA Version)As NEC bases itself on the core competitiveness of the First Army, the SpectraView hardware color calibration engine can be implemented through NEC’s paid original factory software SpectraView II and third-party paid software basICColor.However, after all, EA245WMi’s color correction engine is a relatively higher-end PA/SVR series that is castrated, so it is limited in some functions. For example, 3D LUT cannot be used for hardware color management, simulating a series of functions such as specifying color gamut, etc.EA245WMi regretted not being able to turn on equalization at the same time when using basICColor (it can be turned on after color calibration is completed, at the cost of reducing the color calibration accuracy).

However, NEC’s original paid software spectralview ii can perform hardware color calibration while the display is turning on equalization, so spectralview ii software is recommended here.The color correction process is rather stupid. The whole process is a full-automatic color correction process for fools after the user sets the color parameters.The characteristic of hardware color calibration is that the color level is lossless:Successful ugra Certification:Use i1 Display Pro matching matrix to verify the comparison results of 490 color blocks through DisplayCAL:The result of color calibration is simply crushing compared with the excellent school.

There is nothing to say, and the advantage is obvious. Moreover, EA245WMi still controls the color calibration in a balanced way.

Lacie Blue Eye Pro 4.2 Free

According to the final results, i1 is recommended as the color corrector for color correction.Next, look at the performance of equilibrium. EA245WMi has its own equalization chip and can be turned on at the same time as hardware color correction, which is commendable.

However, turning on equalization will still lose some contrast, so let’s first look at the default equalization performance of the screen. In the test, I divided the screen into 25 areas, and each area tested the gray levels of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Take the data with the largest deviation among the four grades as the luminance and chrominance performance of the area, and the results are as follows:Overall, the performance is not bad, the maximum deviation of brightness imbalance is controlled within 15%, and the maximum deviation of chromaticity is also controlled within 4.5. This data is already very good unless it is a user with particularly sensitive eyes.To compare the balanced performance of previously evaluated models:Overall balanced performance is acceptable.Under the condition of keeping the measuring equipment and environment unchanged, let’s look at the performance of EA245WMi after opening the equalization chip:This improvement is extremely obvious. Brightness equalization decreased from within 14% before opening to within 3.5%.

The chroma difference decreased from within 4.5 to within 3. It has reached the standard of advanced professional monitors. It should be said that EA245WMi has shown relatively strong strength by taking advantage of NEC driver chips.The UP2716D and VP2771 of the Second Army can also turn on the equalization chip. Let’s compare the performance of these three machines after turning on the equalization chip as well:Through comparison, it can be found that EA245WMi has much better equalization control capability than VP2771 and UP2716D.

The brightness equalization control of VP2771 is poor but within the standard critical range, not exceeding the standard. The chroma control of UP2716D is poor and exceeds the standard, so UP2716D can still see yin and yang faces even after turning on the equalization control chip, which is a problem worth weighing for professional users and other sensitive users. In addition, it was mentioned earlier that only the hardware color correction and equalization compensation of EA245WMi can be turned on at the same time, so the equalization compensation capability of EA245WMi is more practical.Seven, pictures, games and video playbackThe following is a screen shot to subjectively feel the color performance of EA245WMi after color correction:Viii.

SummaryEA245WMi is not a product with breakthrough achievements in technology. Like most of the First Army’s products, stability and technological maturity are his greatest characteristics. Compared with the constant market promotion and a large amount of brainwashing public relations by the Second Army, he is just a commercial display that NEC has released with professional technology to meet the needs of the market. However, even this kind of driving technology product, which was emasculated six years ago, still makes the Second Army extremely ashamed of its color performance. It should be said that after so many years, the brand of the Second Army Group has not made any substantial breakthrough in driving since 2013.

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On the contrary, with the trend of price reduction and quality reduction, it is still retrogressive. It can be said that in the desktop professional display market, NEC of the First Army Group squeezed a little bit of toothpaste on the middle and low-end product lines, thus forming an embarrassing situation.As a commercial machine officially positioned by NEC, the price and positioning of EA245WMi itself are very similar to the EV series of EIZO. As a commercial model, it has all kinds of automatic dimming, ambient light sensors and human body sensors. The picture quality is relatively sharp, so it is better than EIZO’s EV series and the image is more textured.

Just for comfort, it is not as good as EV series. Judging from the comfort level alone, it is basically the same as other opponents of the 2nd legion, and there is no separate eye protection mode, so we need to make one by ourselves through color correction. EA245WMI’s factory color is pleasing to the eye. I personally prefer the high sharpness and texture. Only the accuracy of the factory color is almost the same, so color correction is necessary if it is to be used in the later stage of the picture.As the core technical force of EA245WMi, the SpectraView color correction engine and equalization compensation performed well in the test, and the performance easily crushed the relevant models of DELL and Youpai, both belonging to the Second Army. This allows the monitor to undertake some color post-processing work with relatively strict requirements. However, in the daily audio-visual entertainment and game entertainment, the performance of this product is relatively moderate.

In a word, this is a product with a performance between the 2nd and 1st legions, which can fully withstand the 5-star evaluation, but given the performance of the factory colors, one point is deducted and 4 stars are given.