Computer Networks Forouzan Ppt Site

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Open system:A system which is connected to the network and is ready for communication.Closed system:A system which is not connected to the network and can’t be communicated with.Computer Network:It is the interconnection of multiple devices, generally termed as Hosts connected using multiple paths for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media.There are also multiple devices or mediums which helps in the communication between two different devices which are known as Network devices. Ex: Router, Switch, Hub, Bridge.The layout pattern using which devices are interconnected is called as network topology. Such as Bus, Star, Mesh, Ring, Daisy chain.OSI:OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It is a reference model that specifies standards for communications protocols and also the functionalities of each layer.Protocol:A protocol is the set of rules or algorithms which define the way how two entities can communicate across the network and there exists different protocol defined at each layer of the OSI model.

Book Language: EnglishBook Format: PDFPublisher: Mc Graw Hill EducationThis book starts with a detailed account on network models, thus providing the user with an ideal introduction on data transmission. The protocols and standards, as well as the physical structures of the networks are also discussed extensively here. The Data Communications And Networking (SIE) follows a descriptive pattern, thus engaging users of all kind.A number of diagrams and tabular representations are also included in the book, thus making it more useful for the reader. The much discussed OSI model is also explained extensively with special emphasis on its layered architecture. Further, there are also chapters on bandwidth utilisation with multiplexing and spreading.To aid the electronic and communication students, the author has specifically included sections on switching, that emphasise on virtual circuit networks as well as circuit-switched networks.

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Also covered are topics such as wired LANs, wireless LANs, connecting LANs, virtual LANs, and multiple access.Sections on congestion control, traffic management, and the methods to improve the quality of service can help to provide the reader a practical approach. Published in 2006 by Mcgraw-Hill Education, the fourth edition of this book comes in paperback.Key Features:. The contents are so arranged to ensure that it fulfills both the academic and research needs of the students. Practice sets and review questions are provided at the end of every chapter to test the reader’s level of understanding of the topic.

NetworksComputer Networks Forouzan Ppt Site

Every chapter has a set of relevant research activities and experiments that could be carried out by the user.Get this book from.