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(, 03:50 AM)Soopah Wrote:will this pack work with dolphin? Did a quick search on the original post and didn't see this, so thought I'd sharecolor=#009900From: guppeyDolphin: 3.5-336wiimote: Nintendo Wii U Motion Plus Deluxe Kit (CM00058) - Blackbrand: Collective Mindsbought from: FutureShop (Canada) Link - Bluetooth ID: NINTENDO RVL-CNT-01Bluetooth: Rocketfish EMJD53201 Micro Adapterbrand: Rocketfishbought from: Futureshop (Canada) link - Sensor bar: RocketFish Wii Wireless Sensor BarBought from: FutureShop (Canada) link - OS: Windows 7 x86Working: everything as near as I can tell/color. (My dream of posting in this sticky thread has come true.)Took some tinkering around, but I got it color=greenworking/color for my Vaio laptop.