Load Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl 1.0004 Crack
Transport Mod v1.0For STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0001.REQUIRES PATCH V1.0001.-Description-Maybe the long awaited mod. Adds vehicles into game!You can shoot with pistol as it was desired before. Vehicles have health meter.-Installation-Unzip the contents into your STALKER installation folder (for me D:GamesS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl).-Using-Open console and write 'bind turnengine kT' (without quotes). You can replace T with whatever key you want.ORGo to Shared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOC and open user.ltx.

Write the same 'bind turnengine k' in it (without quotes),( - desired key).-Then start a new game, when in vehicle press T (or the key you stated). Engine starts.
Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Cheats
You're ready to go.NOTE.You maybe will need to start a new game. Havent tested.BIGGER NOTE.On some vehicles, you cant see anything with first person. I suggest to write in user.ltx these commands.bind cam1 kF1bind cam2 kF2bind cam3 kF3cam1 = First Personcam2 = Third Personcam3 = Dunno, you can just look around character with mouse.Press desired keys to change cameras.EVEN BIGGER NOTE.BE VERY CAREFUL. Posted by CzechDeathHEY there!Ihave Bigproblem with this nice looking modi have Czech version patch 1.004It cannot load any map always crashed the game with mod installed. Is it possibleto change it?-Expression: header.graphguid ai.gamegraph.header.guidFunction: CALifeSpawnRegistry::loadFile: E:stalkerpatch10004xr3daxrGamealifespawnregistry.cppLine: 167Description: Spawn doesn't correspond to the graph: REBUILD SPAWN!-You nedd to write end part of log.i cant read anything from it.The guy that cant do shit.