Torrent Backtrack 3 Final
Back in January we mentioned the was released, at last the final version is ready for download! New Stuff in BackTrack 3SAINTSAINT has provided BackTrack users with a functional version of SAINT, pending a free request for an IP range license through the SAINT website, valid for 1 year.MaltegoThe guys over at Paterva have created a special version of Maltego v2.0 with a community license especially for BackTrack users. We would like to thank Paterva for co-operating with us and allowing us to feature this amazing tool in BackTrack.NessusTenable would not allow for redistribution of Nessus on BackTrack 3.Kernel2.6.21.5. Yes, yes, stop whining.We had serious deliberations concerning the BT3 kernel. We decided not to upgrade to a newer kernel as wireless injection patches were not fully tested and verified. We did not want to jeopardize the awesome wireless capabilities of BT3 for the sake of sexiness or slightly increased hardware compatibilities.
All relevant security patches have been applied. Running off a cd/usb inside of VMware would kill the RAM and be almost unusable. VMware eats up ram. With the image I can run BT3 pretty decently concurrently with my OS of choice.
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I’m happy about the image because I can now add it to the VM folder on my workstation clone in minutes then push it out to the workstations before class tomorrow night. Gonna be some happy students in the open source forensics class tomorrow night.;) Finals for that class are coming up and a portion of the final includes penetrating a lab victim network and completing some tasks “on the inside”. BT3 on VMware will defiantly save them some time.
Backtrack 3 Final Download
Good stuff here, now they have SAINT in there. The beta was pretty smooth, guess this is going to be even smoother.@Sleepy don’t get me wrong here, but shouldn’t you guys be learning to compile the tools manually and use them, learning is effective this way, might take some time but its a good practice. Many of those that do this sorta “attacking things” don’t rely on BT3 because as they say manual is the best way to explore. For example I’m assuming that the forensic students are suppose to learn to find clues left behind by attackers, by doing the attacking part themselves. In the case of using backtrack every tool is compiled and ready, a “real” attacker would actually (as far as i’ve seen) like to compile things on the box which leaves a few clues for us to see what they have done, adding more clues to the case leading us to catch them.Wouldn’t this help them?Correct me if I’m wrong here, BT3 is meant for professional pen-testers who don’t have much time to compile tools and must finish the task quickly isn’t it?Sorry for the long posts:) BT3 rocks. @Rightful,I would not say that BT3 is meant for professional pen-testers. A professional should have a HDD installation with all the tools that they might require, rather than just those included in BT3.
Don’t get me wrong, BT3 is a very polished product and I use it myself to check out if I’ve missed anything from my own installation but running from a CD/ USB/ VM Image is restrictive, IMO.There is no substitute for having your own platform, with the tools YOU require.BT does have it’s uses. For example, if your assignment will not allow the connection of an additional system to the LAN, booting an existing workstation from BT will give you pretty much all you could want but naturally, on a CD image or similar, you’re not going to fit on that enormous password list, or huge rainbow table, that’s when your own custom machine will come into it’s own.Oh, and Yah boo sucks to Tenable. Tottally agree wid darknet and sleepy.for someone like me who was a total n00b to the wold of hacking, its tools like this that actually help you learnyou can go on an on reading stuff but when U actally get down and dirty you can appreciate the world of ethical hacking. (Even today, many of my friends fear me coz I’ve become popular as a hacker and simply put, that means I’m the devil (just widout the horns and the tail:) ))Only when you develop interest in the subject can you even think of actually immersing yourself into it and going pro!!
C’mon just browse through darknet posts and you’ll see so many comments reading “this doesn’t work.what do I do?why is it not hacking this email ID?”.skiddies want everything handed down to them in a step by step methodno learning involved!! And unfortunately for dem, the world of hacking simply doesn’t work like that!!Right??